
SooShh X

This is a space for when you want to leave the screen on without it being a distraction, such as when listening to music.

  • Live in the moment, disconnect.

  • Reduce eyestrain.

  • Avoid the temptation of too much web.

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If this space is useful to you, we appreciate your collaboration to maintain it.   Thank you! :-)




In a distraction-free environment, your mind reaches its maximum efficiency. Mental clarity flourishes without visual interruptions. A calm space allows you to fully concentrate on your goals, reducing visual fatigue and eliminating the temptation of unnecessary notifications.

Discover our space in a computer!

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BTC: 1CybGz2Sh7ZcbocAZ7fEvWZckmq7qafgdk

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ICP: fcebafb48e7c1a689f509a5494f771501d25a75548d56ae6cdf0b86bddc58212

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BNB: bnb1cvz8kvs0cc0qjz9gcw3tm3fx33t3qyk2wakp8m

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TETHER(BSC): 0x90c3801bf9bF505455d8538aEd95349BF5aFD2c7

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Sol: xatQBiPHffQPj5aopFkD7xsyosKDY6wmb5z2DgyCJpt